Bedaya Ketawang Dance

 -- Mystical And Sacred Dances--

Bedhaya Ketawang Dance been known since the early 17th century. According to the book Wedhapradangga, Bedhaya Ketawang choreographer is Sultan Agung (1613-1645), first king of the Mataram kingdom's joint Kanjeng Ratu Kencanasari, Queen of the south sea lord who is also called Kanjeng Ratu Kidul. Before the dance was created, Sultan Agung ordered gamelan experts to create a piece called Ketawang.

The accompanying gamelan Bedhaya Ketawang Dance are very special, there are gamelan "Kyai Kaduk Manis" and "Sweet Kyai Renggo" gamelan. Gamelan instruments played only a few specific tools that Kemanak, kethuk, kenong, Kendhang Ageng, Kendhang Ketipung, and Gong Ageng. Istrumens specifically considered in addition there is also a sacred name. Two Kendang Ageng named Kanjeng Kyai Denok and Kanjeng Kyai Iskandar, two fiddle named Kanjeng Kyai Grantang and Kanjeng Kyai Lipur, one Gong Ageng named Kanjeng Nyai Kemitir.

Bedhaya Ketawang be classified on the dance element, meaning, and nature of which has strong links with several things, including Traditional Ceremonies, Sacred, Religious, Romance Dance (because the outpouring symbolizes of the love affair of the Kanjeng Ratu to Sinuhun Sultan Agung who painted in the hand gestures and all parts of the body, how to hold sondher, etc.).

This dance performed by nine women. Big Bedhaya Ketawang Dance done only on once every 8 years. Small Bedhaya Ketawang Dance performed at the coronation king or emperor, the wedding of one court member, who added symbols in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the implementation Bedhaya Ketawang Dance.

Bedhaya Ketawang Dance has several rules that must be implemented, among others:
1. The dancers, gamelan players, singers and relatives who followed the ceremony, must be born in the state of the inner shrine. Specifically for the dancers, they must be someone who was a girl (virgin).
2. A few days before the performance, the participants must perform fast and ended with a big bath.
3. Day performance should fall on Anggarakasih the day of Tuesday Kliwon, the Javanese calendar.
4. That may follow the course of the show are those who enter the family status and palace officials. Communities from outside the palace is not allowed to follow the course of this performance.
5. During the performances are not allowed to smoke, do not provide food and beverages, and are not allowed to talk to each other, so the solemnity of the ceremony was not disrupted.
6. The release of the dancers from Dalem Ageng Prabasuyasa (in space) into the To Pendopo Ageng Sasonosewoko (the performance), is a way around Sinuhun (King sitting position) of the left turn to right in a clockwise direction, as well as the dancers return to the Dalem Ageng, should remain around Sinuhun in a clockwise direction from left to right.
7. Prohibited from declaring or hum this gending dance song either vocally or in the form of a whistle.

There are many more other rules that must be obeyed, including various types of offerings, etc., which all aim to avoid things that are not desired.

Topic: Bedaya Ketawang Dance

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